There are many ways of checking the authenticity of an Android application. We are aware that sms verification service is the most efficient method of confirming your application as a mobile-based developer. We all know that the majority of mobile phone users have a phone number to call.
But entering the code we received via SMS is not straightforward. User has to view all the messages in the phone, and then see the code and then return to the application to enter the code. As mobile app developers, we must be able to understand mobile app development, we need "something" to understand these messages and then automatically fill in the fields.
Verification codes that are sent by SMS to users' telephone numbers are a more secure alternative to passwords. Today, lots of businesses use this system to give secure access to their products and keep customer data secure. The use of an sms blast is a method that has many advantages:
Actually, there are many ways to automatically fill the OTP field using the text message on our phone with the permission to read SMS using READ_SMS. Google strictly prohibits using this permission due to security reasons. The complete explanation is available here.
Google provides other options to enable automatic SMS verification via the SMS Verification API. This is a one-tap SMS verification as well as automatic SMS verification. Find out how they function and implement it in the mobile app development process!
Automated SMS Verification
Automatic SMS verification is the ideal method to verify rent phone number. Because users don't have to take any action, and just remain patient until the verification process is completed. Additionally, it doesn't need any authorization, however you have to make sure that you follow these criterias:
Messages that are sent to the user's device should not exceed 140 bytes.
The message should contain a unique code that the user can send back to server.
A message should contain an 11-character hash string.
Let's now implement automated SMS verification into our app!
This only works on Android devices that have play service version 10.2 or later.
Transfer Library
Import these libraries into your application's gradle program to begin using the SMS Retriever API.
Get a Phone Number
There are several ways to find the phone number of a user. Google suggests using a hint selector as the most effective method to get a user's phone number.
Start SMS Retriever
Once you have obtained the user's phone number and you're now ready to begin the SMS Retriever. It will listen to messages that contain an unique string that can identify your application for up 5 minutes.
The User's number is to be sent to Server
You should then send the user's phone number to the server in order to trigger the verification process. A SMS will be sent out by the server with the code unique to your app and a string that will identify your application.
Receive Confirmation Message
When a client's phone receives any message containing a unique string, SMS Retriever API will broadcast the message with SmsRetriever.SMS_RETRIEVED_ACTION intent. After that, you must utilize a broadcast receiver in order to receive the confirmation message.

Send OTP code back to your server
If you received a message with the one-time codes, you can use a regex or other logic to remove your code from the message. Return that code to your server.
One-tap Text Confirmation
We've discussed before how to implement Automatic rent phone number in the first place. This can help us as Android developer, definitely in the development of our mobile app. But , there's other ways to get help from Google.
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